Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tag! I'm it!

My turn! (Whitney, I stole the pic from your post ;) )

Ok, since I've now been tagged by Mom and Whitney and Dagan is napping, here it goes...

1) I never buy enough cheese. Seriously, we go through so much cheese in my house, it's amazing. I'll think we have enough and then I'll have to tell Mike he can't have crackers and cheese as a snack for bed because I need what we have left for dinner the next night. We really like the cheese.

2) I really want my boys to grow up to be hockey players (sorry Mom). Yes, I know it can be a violent sport, but that's OK. When was the last time you heard about a hockey player being arrested for drugs? Domestic violence? Random memorabilia robbery and kidnapping?? That's what I thought.

3) I really like cloth diapers. Really. Yeah, it's kind of a pain that you have to dump the poo and wash them, but it sure beats spending a small fortune every month on disposables. I have been taking advantage of the California sunshine and drying them on the line. That's all about to change as the rainy season is on the way, but oh well.

4) I have absolutley no control when it comes to cookies. I have got to stop baking!!!!!!!!

5) I also talk too much. Now that I don't have a job and the only person I have to talk to every day is Dagan, poor Mike gets his ears gabbed off. If I happen to call Mom or Dad or some random friend, all I do is talk. I have no one to talk to! I think that's why I was so good in retail sales; they had to buy so I would shut-up! Ok, I'll buy it- JUST STOP TALKING!!!!

6) Weird Al cracks me up! Dagan likes him too. I've downloaded a couple of videos from youtube and we watch them in the mornings. It's kind of a ritual now.

7) I caught the cold Dagan and Mike have. Probably because I have been covered in baby snot for the last 5 days. You couldn't not get it! It's not as bad as theirs, but it still sucks. And I can't take anything. The meds that dry up the nose also dry up the milk and that would be bad bad bad. Dagan hasn't nursed as much as he has the couple of days since he was a newborn. Seriously, every hour or so he's crawling into my lap staring at the girls. If I don't get them out quickly enough for him, he starts to pull my shirt down and starts patting them. I'm letting it go because he is sick, but after this cold is over it's time for some nursing manners! His cold is starting to clear up a bit, yea!

I know I'm supposed to TAG people, but Everyone I know has been tagged several times, so I'm going to not tag anyone. What do ya'll think of that, huh?


Miss Lovely's Musings said...

Weird Al has been a family tradition for many years. We all know "Mr. Frump in the Iron Lung", now don't we!

Wendyburd1 said...

I LOVE cheese! It is my favorite food....Oh The Power of Cheese...LOL! Dagan (can you phonetically teach me how its pronounced?LOL) is SO cute, a lil munchkin!!

That hockey player thing is quite never hear ANYTHING about them!!

Whitney R said...

Oopse! Don't know how I missed this one. I read it but for some reason didn't comment?

Sometimes I'm a little weird.