Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

First, let me tell a spooky and true story:

Yesterday I was laying in bed nursing Dagan, when I heard the message tone on my phone beep. I'm thinking it's probably Mike, texting me. After I can release myself from Dagan, I get up and check. Not a text message, but a voice mail. Huh, I didn't hear my phone ring. I check the message. You have one new voice mail, sent today, at 1pm, or whatever. Nothing. Dead air. To save your message, press 9. Blah blah whatever you get at the end of a voicemail. Then I check to see if I have any missed calls. Nope. I had a ghost message! Nobody called me, and they left a message...

Anyway, on to more fun things. Today after a dress up Stroller Strides class we had a Halloween party! Dagan fell asleep in the Jeep on the way there, but I woke him up so he could play! He ran the whole time. He didn't want to eat any of the snacks, or stay in one spot. He wanted to see what was going on with everyone. Without further ado, here are some super cute pictures!

His costume is a dragon/dinosaur type thing. So, he's Dagan-saurus Rex. He does not like the hood. At all. He spent most of the time running away from me, and I was super lucky to get the pictures that I did, because he was constantly on the move. The bummer thing is, my batteried died half-way through the party. He had a hug smile on his face the whole time, and was laughing and hollering and having rear-end loads of fun. At noon they brought in this guy called music mike. He looked and sounded like he was just taking a break from smoking a little weed to sing to the kids. I didn't really care for him, but the other kids seemed to like him. Dagan didn't give a rat's behind. He was busy playing with a water bottle and some little girl's shoe.

He's on the move, look out!

After the party, he was all tuckered out, and fell asleep in the Jeep on the way home. He's still asleep.


Whitney R said...

aawwe, Dagan-saurace rex is so.... SCARY!

;) those pictures are adorable. Especially the one with the huge grin like he was laughing.

He knew it was a fun, special day so he was SO EXCITED!

I was runnin around today too at our party. :)

Lena Gilbert said...

I love his costume! Isn't is so fun to have kids you can torture by dressing them up however you want? He makes a very cute dinosaur.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha, I love the costumes that you can get now a days for little kids, I had to make my kids their costumes. Although my girls will tell you that they loved the Minnie Mouse costume I did for Chan when she was two or three, and guess what - the girls were still wearing it when they were 16! Good times. *G*

Wendyburd1 said...

He is SO precious!! What a looker!!

Miss Lovely's Musings said...

Check out this ghost message from Snopes. Snopes is where you go to find out what is a hoax and what is not. (I'm going to go there to see if I ever REALLY weighed 115 pounds.) Anyway, here is the link.

Miss Lovely's Musings said...

Here is the link again

Miss Lovely's Musings said...

It won't copy the whole thing.
The rest of the address is:


Victoria Gilbert said...

He is so cute! Man it's hard to get a still picture of kids at this age isn't it? I was chasing Claire around yesterday and could only get blurry pictures. My camera battery died on halloween night too, and so I didn't end up getting a video of my kids this year, which is a bummer. I had to keep turning the camera on and off just to get the pictures I did get.