I just had to take a picture of this loaf of bread I made today. It had to be the prettiest loaf I've ever made. It accompanied chicken noodle soup with homemade noodles, served over fluffy mashed potatoes. Idaho potatoes, of course. I made total comfort food for dinner, it's been cold and rainy the last couple of days. I know, completely random. Sorry. Ok, not really.
The only bad thing about the bread is it turned out a little too fluffy, and it fell a bit after I cut it. The recipe said to add the yeast with the dry ingredients, but I added it to the hot water to start the process, and I guess the yeast just went crazy! I almost want to go into the reasons it got too fluffy, but no one would really care. It has to do with yeast and gas and flour. I have made it that way several times before, so I'm not sure why it decided to go nuts-o today. Oh well, it still tasted good.
More random... as you can see, I have tile countertops. They seem to be all the rage out here. Yeah, I hate them. They are a pain to clean, and you can't roll out anything on them .Forget trying to make a pie crust! That's not going to happen. It all gets stuck in between the tiles, and gets all nasty. Yuck.
Enough of that, how about a cute picture of my son? He's reading a book. He really likes his books. The outfit he's wearing is 24months. Yeah, he's just pretty darn big. His 18mo size clothes fit him perfectly. The 24mo. size is roomy, but by no means huge. Someday he might slow down on the growth.
Oh I love homemade bread! And especially homemade noodles. I plan on making chicken noodle soup from scratch someday. Maybe I'll do it this winter :)
Misti, does your husband know how lucky he is? You have amazing skills. I am proud of you. AND my grandson is adorable.
First of all, yes, that boy is a doll, and Mom (Auntie Nona) says that one of my grandmas (darn that senior memory moment of mine) would call him a "Buster" cuz his is so big and healthy. I like that better than what I used to call mine, which was "Chunk" no, not Chuck, although I like that show.
Second, yum on the homemade noodles, I don't think that I have that recipie in the family cook book, which by the way I'm going to try my hand at printing off the whole thing for your Mom, Hmmm, just how much time do I have free today.....
Ok Misti, I went and dug out the flannel that I have and there is some cute stuff, and some stuff that you can just use for stuffing, have you ever seen the flannel blankets made using three layers of flannel that ends up with a ruffeled fringled look? They are super cool and easy and this batch of flannel would probably make a good sized one, I'm looking for a picture and instructions for you. I made one for both Elijah and Katie and they love them. (and they are grown ups, think of what a kid would think) *G*
The key to making noodles is to not use too much flour.
Our Family Noodle Recipe
1 egg
3 Tbls. milk
1 cup flour
salt to taste
Whisk egg and milk together.
Add 3/4 of the flour and mix.
dough will be very sticky.
Turn out dough on to surface and gradually add enough flour so the dough is soft and easy to handle.
Sprinkle MORE flour on to surface and roll out dough thin. Sprinkle surface of dough with flour and roll up, slice thinnly and shake the noodles out so they will dry.
This is a very small recipe and I always triple it. However, because getting the consitency is so crucial, I make three individual batches, each rolled up separately. This sounds like a pain, but trust me, it works.
Also a tip for the chicken. Boil it in chicken broth instead of water.
Pasta Makers not allowed!
OK, here is what looks like a good pattern for "rag quilts" I'd use three layers of flannel, cute to what ever size you'd like, you can use not so cute stuff for the middle or filler layer. I just sewed an X on each square.
OK, I found a good pattern for a "rag quilt" I used three layers of flannel with the least attractive one being in the middle or filler layer. I sewed an X across each square. If you just want to use these in your diapers, that's OK too. *G*
Mom, you make your noodles a little differently than I make mine. I like to have a big thicker noodle... This time when I made the soup, I cooked the chicken in olive oil and made sure to get them nice and brown. Then I poured the chicken broth in the pan and scraped up the the bits. It really made the soup more flavorful.
Lori, Thanks for the pattern and ideas! I can't wait to try.
Cooked it in Olive oil?
'splain, please
Fried. But healthy. It gives a nice flavor. Then you deglaze the pan with the stock, and you get all the litte stuck bits off the bottom of the pan and it's oh-so-yummy!!
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