He's on the move, look out!
After the party, he was all tuckered out, and fell asleep in the Jeep on the way home. He's still asleep.
Posted by Misti at 1:41 PM 8 comments
I am the official recipient of the "bonehead of the year" award. I was doing laundry last night and scooped up Mike's clothes from out by the hot tub. As I was transferring the clothes from the washer to the dryer, Mike's cell phone fell out. He had it outside when we were in the hot tub, and didn't bring it in. Like a bonehead, I didn't check pockets, etc. or the pile of clothes. I just dumped it all into the washing machine. This is the second time I have sent his phone through the washer. Neither time did the phone survive. So I am off to AT&T to hopefully get an upgrade on the dead phone.
Posted by Misti at 2:15 PM 6 comments
Posted by Misti at 8:50 PM 3 comments
My turn! (Whitney, I stole the pic from your post ;) )
Ok, since I've now been tagged by Mom and Whitney and Dagan is napping, here it goes...
1) I never buy enough cheese. Seriously, we go through so much cheese in my house, it's amazing. I'll think we have enough and then I'll have to tell Mike he can't have crackers and cheese as a snack for bed because I need what we have left for dinner the next night. We really like the cheese.
2) I really want my boys to grow up to be hockey players (sorry Mom). Yes, I know it can be a violent sport, but that's OK. When was the last time you heard about a hockey player being arrested for drugs? Domestic violence? Random memorabilia robbery and kidnapping?? That's what I thought.
3) I really like cloth diapers. Really. Yeah, it's kind of a pain that you have to dump the poo and wash them, but it sure beats spending a small fortune every month on disposables. I have been taking advantage of the California sunshine and drying them on the line. That's all about to change as the rainy season is on the way, but oh well.
4) I have absolutley no control when it comes to cookies. I have got to stop baking!!!!!!!!
5) I also talk too much. Now that I don't have a job and the only person I have to talk to every day is Dagan, poor Mike gets his ears gabbed off. If I happen to call Mom or Dad or some random friend, all I do is talk. I have no one to talk to! I think that's why I was so good in retail sales; they had to buy so I would shut-up! Ok, I'll buy it- JUST STOP TALKING!!!!
6) Weird Al cracks me up! Dagan likes him too. I've downloaded a couple of videos from youtube and we watch them in the mornings. It's kind of a ritual now.
7) I caught the cold Dagan and Mike have. Probably because I have been covered in baby snot for the last 5 days. You couldn't not get it! It's not as bad as theirs, but it still sucks. And I can't take anything. The meds that dry up the nose also dry up the milk and that would be bad bad bad. Dagan hasn't nursed as much as he has the couple of days since he was a newborn. Seriously, every hour or so he's crawling into my lap staring at the girls. If I don't get them out quickly enough for him, he starts to pull my shirt down and starts patting them. I'm letting it go because he is sick, but after this cold is over it's time for some nursing manners! His cold is starting to clear up a bit, yea!
I know I'm supposed to TAG people, but Everyone I know has been tagged several times, so I'm going to not tag anyone. What do ya'll think of that, huh?
Posted by Misti at 9:55 AM 3 comments
Posted by Misti at 5:30 PM 3 comments
Posted by Misti at 9:57 PM 6 comments
Posted by Misti at 10:23 PM 2 comments
Posted by Misti at 4:31 PM 3 comments
Posted by Misti at 12:26 PM 3 comments
I just had to take a picture of this loaf of bread I made today. It had to be the prettiest loaf I've ever made. It accompanied chicken noodle soup with homemade noodles, served over fluffy mashed potatoes. Idaho potatoes, of course. I made total comfort food for dinner, it's been cold and rainy the last couple of days. I know, completely random. Sorry. Ok, not really.
The only bad thing about the bread is it turned out a little too fluffy, and it fell a bit after I cut it. The recipe said to add the yeast with the dry ingredients, but I added it to the hot water to start the process, and I guess the yeast just went crazy! I almost want to go into the reasons it got too fluffy, but no one would really care. It has to do with yeast and gas and flour. I have made it that way several times before, so I'm not sure why it decided to go nuts-o today. Oh well, it still tasted good.
More random... as you can see, I have tile countertops. They seem to be all the rage out here. Yeah, I hate them. They are a pain to clean, and you can't roll out anything on them .Forget trying to make a pie crust! That's not going to happen. It all gets stuck in between the tiles, and gets all nasty. Yuck.
Enough of that, how about a cute picture of my son? He's reading a book. He really likes his books. The outfit he's wearing is 24months. Yeah, he's just pretty darn big. His 18mo size clothes fit him perfectly. The 24mo. size is roomy, but by no means huge. Someday he might slow down on the growth.
Posted by Misti at 8:47 PM 10 comments
Ok, so today I forgot to take my water bottle to Stroller Strides class. It holds 32 oz, and I usually drink the whole thing while I'm there. Luckily it's overcast and a little cooler out today, so I wasn't super worried about it. If it had been hot and sunny, no way, going home. Well, the work out is over, and we stay for about 45min for the play group and fun in the park. I decided that even though Dagan is super tired, we should go ahead and drop off rent since we were half way there. I drop off the check, get my receipt and I'm walking out to the car when I notice this little fuzzy grey spot in my vision. I'm thinking, well crap, what's that all about? Then my head starts to hurt a little. Oh, I'm getting a migraine, I think. Since it's only about a 15minute drive home, I figure I'll make it in time. Then I'm thinking I can't take my Imitrex because I don't know if it's compatible with breastfeeding, and please, God, let Mike have decided to stay home and not go fishing. Because if this is a migraine, life is gonna suck. Well, as I'm driving the little grey spot changes. It got bigger, with rainbow fuzzy edges, but clear in the middle. Pretty soon all I have for peripheral vision are fuzzy rainbow edges. Thankfully, I had decided to take the back way home so there isn't too much traffic. Needless to say, I was scared sh*tless driving, because my vision is getting worse by the second. Luckily Dagan had fallen asleep in his carseat. I get home and see that Mike did go fishing. Crap. I managed to back into the garage without hitting the house or anything in the garage. Dagan's asleep, so I leave him there and go in and down my 32oz of forgotten water, and heat up some food. I attempt to call Mom, but there is no answer. By now, I can hardly see, everything is fuzzy with dancing rainbows. After a few minutes, my vision started to get better, but the headache worse. Enter great big pain meds left over from giving birth, and 12 more oz of water. So now my vision is almost back to normal, but my head is killing me!! I'm still a little fuzzy in my left eye, but hopefully that will pass soon. Dagan is still in the Jeep, which I can see from the computer chair. I'm going to get him, and hopefully we will nap a little bit together. The moral of this story is: don't leave to work out without your water, or you might go blind!
Posted by Misti at 12:02 PM 3 comments