Today I made my fi
rst fitted cloth diaper! As some of you may know, I lost my job last week, so we're trying to cut expenses. One major expense is diapers. I found patterns online on how to make your own cloth diapers using material already available. I made this one out of an old flannel sheet.
It took me about an hour from start to finish, but it's not completely finished. So an hour from start to this point. I still have to add velcro or snaps. I tried it on Dagan to see how the fit was, and realized I messed up a little.
I used one of the disposable diapers as the template. However, I forgot to undo the little sticky tabs, so it doesn't go around him as far as it should. You can't quite see it in this picture, but there is elastic at the legs and around the back, so it catches the poopies. I used diaper pins for the initial try-on. Thankfully, D
agan was cooperative. Mostly. I'm going to try again after he goes to bed tonight. Hopefully I can get the pattern down.
Misti, I am so proud of you!!!
He is so darling!!!
Good for you Misti, I made velcro diapers for my kids, they saved me a lot of money, see, I was being green way back then!
Were you green or just poor?
Yea for being "green" back in the day! I have made 2 others since Monday, and finally have a pattern I like. I only have 4 disposable diapers left, so I'd better get to sewing!
Good for you! My mom used clothe diapers on us.
I have re usable grocery bags! That's me trying to help the environment :)
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