Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dagan's first birthday!

Wow, I can hardly believe a year has gone by already. My little man turned one yesterday. I asked him how it felt to be a whole year old. He just looked at me. I was having little flashbacks all day of the day he was born. I slept horribly the night before, maybe because I was remembering the year before!

My water broke at 11:55 pm 9/8/07 and off to the hospital we went. Mike said, can we wait until the fight's over? (UFC) Yeah, cuz it there was only 5 minutes left. We got there, waited, got checked in. No contractions, waited a bit. Then the nurse says the doctor wants to give you a little Pitocin to jump start things. Yeah, I was on it the whole stinking time. Sometime in the early morning hours, I finally got my epidural. The anesthesiologist was trying to be funny and make jokes. I was not amused. I just wanted my stinkin' drugs! 11am I started pushing. 3pm she turned off the epidural (noooooooo!!!!!!!), and turned up the Pitocin. Then at a little before 4pm She brought out the mirror, and I watched Dagan be born! 4:03 is the official time! The first thing he did when the nurse put him on my tummy, was crawl up to me and touch my face.

Ah, how sweet! I'm not sure where the rest of the year went, as it all seems to be a bit of a blur. All I know is, my little baby is not really a baby anymore!

Well, here a then and now pic..

Then: Now:

Ain't he cute?


Miss Lovely's Musings said...

That's a great blog honey, thanks!