Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I've created a monster!

Today I gave in and succumbed to my cravings for chips and salsa. I like to grate cheese and melt it into the salsa for melty cheesy goodness for the chips. I thought I was free and clear to eat in peace as Dagan was playing with his cars in his room. I was wrong. With the first crunch he came running out. He likes to "help" me eat sometimes. He does this by trying to grab my food and stuff it in my mouth. Now, as a general rule he doesn't get junk food. No chips, fries, or anything like that. I thought, I'll just give him a chip it should keep him happy for a few minutes. He wanted to dip it in salsa. Ok, he won't like it and run away. Kind of like he does when I try to feed him green beans. He used to love those. Now he runs, the stinker. Boy, was I wrong! He loved the salsa and cheese. He kept dipping his chip in my salsa over and over, using it as a spoon. Did I mention I eat "medium" salsa, so it's a bit spicy. Then he'd eat the chip, and ask for another one. The lesson here is, unless I want to share my special pregnancy indulged treat, I'd best eat it when he's napping!


Victoria Gilbert said...

I think the chips and salsa is in the family.... I really like it, but Jason eats it all the time... there must be salsa in the bloodline!

Congrats on your baby #2 by the way!!!! yay September babies are great! :) We both should know!

Victoria Gilbert said...

... and NO I'm not pregnant...that's not what I meant! I meant Claire :) hehehe

Wendyburd1 said...

What a palate he has already!LOL! How ARE you feeling? Any morning sickness, etc?

Miss Lovely's Musings said...

Vicky, I suspect we might be hearing some news from you one of these days? Just sayin'.

Whitney R said...

We like chips and salsa, too! But the cheese thing is new... I'll have to try it.

STILL jealous that your preg.... I'm waiting and waiting and waiting....

Misti said...

Thanks everybody!
I'm having lots of morning/ all day sickness. It's awful. I didn't have it this bad with Dagan.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to explain to Whit that you have to do a bit more than wait.... I'm just saying...