Thursday, January 8, 2009

Baby number 2!

Hey all!

For those of you who don't know yet, Mike and I are expecting our 2nd baby!! This one is due around the same time Dagan was... so apparently I'm only fertile in December!! The "official" due date is September 15, 2009. Dagan was born September 9, 2007. He was 2 weeks early, so you never know, maybe this one will come at the end of August. Anyway, here is the "proof".

Tada!! positive pregnancy test!! I took the picture and emailed it to Mike. I was going to throw it away right after the picture, but I had to hold onto it for the rest of the day, because I didnt' quite believe it. I kept thinking that maybe I should take another one, but realized that would be a complete waste of $12.00.

So anyway, there it is!!


Wendyburd1 said...

Congrats Misti!!!!

Misti said...


Whitney R said...

Ahhh! Congratulations! Now your comment all makes sense. I'm jealous! Very jealous.......

Hopefully I'll have a post similar like this soon. :(

What if baby number 2 is baby number 2 AND 3!! Twins! I want some... Your chances are higher than mine :)

Misti said...

Bad Whitney, bad, bad!! No twins for me!!

colleen said...

Misti, how exciting! I love it when you youngsters have the babies! I especially can't wait for whitney to have two sets of quads. I think the Raybolds would get their own show out of it.

Anyway, I'm smiling for the rest of the evening. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

HA! why does everyone want twins? (except for Misti that is, is that because she had to grow up with a set?) Congrats Misti! More and More babies! I'm just working on getting mine married off, I don't mind waiting a bit for babies.

Whitney R said...

HAHAHA, Oh Aunt Colleen, If I told Jaren what you wished he'd probably get a Vasectomy and I'd spend every day for the rest of my life trying to figure out how to reverse it....